EXPANDED Podcast by To Be Magnetic™

Ep. 36 - Andy Mant: BLUblox Glasses

Episode Summary

Today's episode is with Andy Mant, Founder of BLUblox. In our conversation, Andy shares so much information on blue light, the different colors of the lenses and what they do, and how to hack our surroundings to protect ourselves from light pollution.

Episode Notes

Today's episode is with Andy Mant, Founder of BLUblox. Many of you know that I religiously follow everything Jack Kruse has to say because it's had a tremendous effect on my healing; meaning that I've moved to nature, gotten back into the rhythm, and I've really reduced, if not almost totally gotten rid of all of the blue light in my life, as well as any other light pollution and on native EMFs.

I've kind of biohacked and transformed my hormones. It's transformed my circadian rhythm, which controls the hormones. Doing this has healed so much inside my body so I'm excited to have Andy on the show to explain further about his glasses that I wear, which are called BLUblox.

In our conversation, Andy shares so much information on blue light, the different colors of the lenses and what they do, as well as how to hack our surroundings. He even educated me on which glasses are best for the different times of the day, which I wasn’t fully aware of yet. Andy and his company are so accommodating and passionate about people truly being protected– it’s just another reason I love his company.

To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: https://tobemagnetic.com/expanded-podcast


EXPANDED is a production of Crate Media