EXPANDED Podcast by To Be Magnetic™

Ep. 93 - In Session with TBM Coaches Amanda Blair and Heather Whitaker

Episode Summary

We’re so excited to announce the launch of our TBM Coaching program and wanted to give you an inside view of how a session is structured. Today’s episode features snippets of real sessions with our coaches, Amanda Blair and Heather Whitaker. Lacy also weighs in after each segment with further insights on navigating the blocks & limiting beliefs of each client. Thanks to the generosity of two Pathway members who were willing to share their sessions and vulnerability, you will hear insights on the energetics at play, and the personalized tips and tools each coach recommends for unblocking and creating magnetism. Enjoy! Find the Complete Show Notes Here -> https://tobemagnetic.com/expanded-podcast

Episode Notes

“Step into your worth and...hold your boundaries. Speak your needs and speak those boundaries out very clearly and walk away if those aren't going to be respected. The walking away is the passing of the tests; and when we’re passing the tests, then we’re communicating to the Universe, ‘I’m in my worth’...and that’s what creates magnetism.” - Amanda

“We need to go in and really reprogram this - the limiting beliefs and all of these wounds because that will give you a sturdier foundation to stand on. That’s how you can start to rebuild the self-love, the autonomy.” - Amanda

“Tests and triggers are going to keep popping up. You’re never going to fail them. They just keep getting bigger and bigger...and that’s okay. Once you’re down there, whether it’s a Rut or a Rock Bottom, it’s an amazing place to be because you get to rebuild.” - Heather

“There’s a couple of different sides to it (the work). There’s the energetic side - what’s your belief around something? There’s the actions - what are you doing to change it? So it’s doing the work, putting yourself in situations that feel good- meaning saying no and setting boundaries, and then there's the verbal side of it- how are you talking about it? ” - Heather

“This work, you get to do it the way you want to do it. Maybe that’s with your eyes open and that is journaling while listening to a DI, or going for a walk, or doing it in a bath. There are no rules.” - Heather

We’re so excited to announce the launch of our TBM Coaching program and wanted to give you an inside view of how a session is structured. Today’s episode features snippets of real sessions with our coaches, Amanda Blair and Heather Whitaker. Lacy also weighs in after each segment with further insights on navigating the blocks & limiting beliefs of each client. Thanks to the generosity of two Pathway members who were willing to share their sessions and vulnerability, you will hear insights on the energetics at play, and the personalized tips and tools each coach recommends for unblocking and creating magnetism. Enjoy!

*Trigger Warning as this episode contains a conversation around verbal abuse. If you would like to avoid this section of the conversation, skip over minutes 36:34 -1:01:25

Find the Complete Show Notes Here -> https://tobemagnetic.com/expanded-podcast

In This Episode We Talk About:


#TBM Coaching Sessions!

In The Episode

Amanda’s Roadmap

Heather’s Roadmap

Where To Find Amanda & Heather
